1987–1992 Degree in Dentistry B. Ch. D. at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
1992–1994 Postgraduate training as an orthodontist in the practice of Dr. Brigitte König-Toll, Kronberg, Germany
1995–1996 Assistant dentist training for orthodontics in the Department of Orthodontics (Prof. Dr. Helge Fischer-Brandies), University of Kiel, Germany, with an emphasis on jaw diseases and how to treat them (Prof. Axel Bumann)
1997 Examination for specialization in orthodontics by Prof. Dr. Schopf, University of Frankfurt, Germany
since 1998 Orthodontist in a dental/orthodontic group practice in Herrsching at lake Ammer. She also worked in Great Britain and Vilnius, Lithuania for the orthodontic treatment of patients with severe jaw diseases.
since 2003 Damon System User
since 2006 Lecturer, in Europe and overseas
Current focus: Interdisciplinary biodynamic orthodontics, orthodontic treatment of the temporomandibular joint from the diagnostics to the change into a pathology-free centric relationship.