Spark MasterCoip | Learn how to work with Spark aligners
International in-person Master Course, in invisible orthodontics 15, 16 and 17 September 2023
About the course
Spark MasterCoip: Official Spark course with multiple benefits
Doctors Iván Malagón and Diego Peydro, invisible orthodontics pioneers, speakers and trainers all around the world, share with you all they know without keeping any secrets.
To enroll in Spark MasterCoip Educational Programme is to take part in a one of a kind experience, that exceeds any expectations. It also has many benefits and discounts for the doctors.
Spark MasterCOIP International in-person Master Course, in invisible orthodontics 15, 16 and 17 September 2023
Friday & Saturday: 9:30am to 5pm
Sunday: 9:30am to 1pm
Day 1
Basic Key Concepts and Strategies of COIP Master Course’s Work Philosophy. Transversal Development of the Arches. Implications.
Biomechanics applied to dental movement with aligners: transverse, vertical and sagittal planes.
The KEY lies in the transverse plane. How to achieve predictability in your treatment plan.
Anchorage and SEQUENCE of movements.
The 3 basic principles in orthodontic treatments with aligners to be successful.
The importance of the lower incisor: the final position that guarantees success.
Other concepts associated with orthodontic treatments with clear aligners.
Day 2
The Day all Protocols Fit Together. The Beginning of a Successful Professional Career. Micro-screws and Management of Complex Cases
Strategies to correct maxillary, mandibular and bimaxillary Class II malocclusions.
Sequenced distalisation protocols with and without micro-screws.
The importance of the second molar in the development of the arches to avoid the loss of anchorage.
COIP protocols for sequenced distalisation.
Passive attaches in Class II malocclusions. Where to place them.
Why not to use power ridges. How to master the root torque technique.
Intermaxillary elastics. Type, size and force for each malocclusion. When to use them.
Mesialisation of molars and premolars.
Protocols to achieve a predictable molar intrusion.
Managing the position of the upper incisor in open bites to keep the aesthetics of the smile.
Protocols to correct overbites.
Differences in incisor intrusion in superior and inferior maxillary bones
Day 3
The Day all Protocols Fit Together. The Beginning of a Successful Professional Career. Micro-screws and Management of Complex Cases.
Sequenced distalisation protocol for the correction of Class II malocclusions with micro-screws.
Details and instructions in the 3D planning revision not to lose anchorage in extreme cases.
Multidisciplinary cases.
Lower sequenced distalisation for the correction of Class III malocclusions.